Power Soup! Banish those wintery blues…

I woke up this morning and it was cold. Autumn is approaching in Mendoza… And having been spoilt living in a place with 350 glorious days of sunshine a year, when the weather is even half a degree below my desired temperature it puts me in a bit of a stinker. So, I decided to make, what I call, Power Soup this morning.

I like to say ‘Power Soup’ with real superhero conviction. It kind of sounds like ‘Pow Wow Slap’ and I can imagine it slapping my winter blues away with lots of explosions and snap, crackle and pop. My secret weapons are chilli and ginger – they are the total A team for kicking some winter blues butt. You know the science. The sweetness of the squash makes it comforting and warm, and the coriander makes me think of warmer climates.

Here’s the recipe (accompanying hand karate movements are optional):

Serves two superhero portions

Large squash (or sweet potato)
Bay leaves
Good vegetable stock
Roasted red pepper (remove the skin after roasting in a medium oven for 20 mins)
2tbsp grated fresh ginger
2 chopped red chillis (or less if chilli is your kryptonite)
Handful fresh chopped coriander (cilantro)
Utensils: A blender – a big pot – superhero cape

– Peel and chop squash into small cubes and boil in hot water with stock and bay leaves until soft

– When squash cools, drain out a large part of the liquid (how much of the stock liquid you add will affect how thin or thick the soup is, do it to whatever your preference) and put it in the blender.

– Add the chopped roasted red pepper, chillis and ginger. Blend. Again do it to whatever your preference – I like mine quite smooth and creamy.

– Heat it up in the pot again and add salt and pepper to your desire.

– When warm, serve it in a bowl with coriander over the top and accompanied by a glass of Orange Juice.

Pow, Wham, Boff!



One response to “Power Soup! Banish those wintery blues…”

  1. Debby Justice Avatar
    Debby Justice

    I tried this recipe with butternut squosh and it was delicious. Could not find a superhero cape so used a bath towel. Well done-super recipe… Debby j