Tag: Cheap

  • 36 hours in Mendoza: Minding your pesos

    Written for 36hrs.in

    It’s certainly true that Argentina is not the bargain it used to be. Money smart travellers rushed here in their droves following the big economic crash of 2001 when it was cheaper to buy a litre of beer here than a pack of chewing gum back at home. However after 10 years and spiraling inflation, it isn’t the cheap as chips destination of years past. You can however still discover this wonderful city while minding your pesos.



    Get your bearings on this city by wandering the plazas: ItaliaEspanaChile, San Martin and the biggie – Plaza Independencia. Not only are they nice to look at and loll around in, but the plaza’s all tell part of the country’s history with monuments of independence battles and immigration influences. The plazas are strategically placed as meeting points in case of an earthquake, like the one in in 1861 that completely flattened the city. Rest assured though – buildings are all earthquake proof now.

    Photo credit: David Hellekalek


    Argentineans must come second only to Italians for their love of ice-cream, and the helados (ice cream) here are a matter of national pride. Get your lips around an ice-cream stuffed cone from premier Mendoza chain Ferruccio Soppelsa (Belgrano 1092) for their Malbec and Torrontes flavours, or Bianca y Nero (Aristides Villanueva 144) for their seriously chocolate-y flavours. Don’t miss out on trying Super Dulce de Leche ice cream either.

    Photo credit: tripadvisor


    There’s nothing more Argentine than tango, and every Friday in the Summer months a crowd of tango aficionados gather outside in Plazoleta Vergara and entice each other and onlookers to fall in love with this passionate, truly Argentine dance.
